Our Ability To Influence:
NAB believes that the success of the advertising campaign depends primarily on the ability of the promotional medium to influence the behavior of the consumer or the target audience of the advertisement, whether the advertisement is for a commercial, educational or political purpose.
Also, whenever the advertisement can achieve the largest viewership at the lowest cost, it will give a better budget to the announced institution to develop its institution and achieve a wider spread.

The Internet as a successful targeting method :
– The Internet is currently the one that can achieve this equation (the largest viewership + the lowest cost)
With the spread of awareness of the role of the Internet as an effective advertising medium in the field of advertisements, whether fixed, text, or multimedia such as video and motion, the competition has become more difficult to achieve the lowest cost. Social or appearing in a prominent ranking in search engines as a result of high visits and posts.
– Yes, the Internet provides us with various types of advertising, from fixed, mobile and text. Through it, you can determine the price of the click and determine the geographical location of the target audience, thus maintaining the budget allocated to advertising without wasting in ineffective clicks. It also provides you with a choice of who sees the ad and who does not see it according to interests, age and gender Social networking sites have this information and can accurately show the advertisement to the desired audience.